Thursday, 19 July 2007

Fall With Me Into Temptation

There shall always be a place for Katie Price's unsteady, chaffing and shuffling 'up the duff' daft Eurovision theatrics in my gin-pumping heart. Her very memorable attempt to represent Britain in order to probably finish 23rd was like the final, wayward missile that she could fire at the time, and a concluding stage of her relentlessly ludicrous media gestures (not that she is ever going to stop, thank God). People say she is not talented - I prefer the term 'untalented at leisure' and love how she boldly depicts her life in vivid and lurid detail with such deadpan vulgarity, more people should be like Katie Price. Unashamed from start to finish, her instruction to "vote for me!" feels almost mythical, a wonder to behold. Watch her sensational moment of glory here.

Ever the gracious loser:

"I believe I was the victim of a smear campaign."

Not Just Anybody

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