Monday, 22 October 2007

Torch Ballad Boulversement

Cherilyn Sarkisian LaPierre's last truly spellbinding recording, surpassing both non-Believers and record buyers alike, was her breathtaking foray into furlorn drum n' bass speed ballads. Nana Cher's bulldozer vocals croon buoyantly as ever, yet You Take It All connects her amiable passion with a tender lyric that says everything we ever could and is the most emotionally exposed she has ever been since slapping Winona Ryder and calling her the "town tramp" in 1991s pre-MILF movie vehicle Mermaids.

A careful gelid glimmer soon flickers into a gust of pathos, and after the monumental middle 8 there could not have been a dry-eyed Gay in sight, so succinctly encapsulating, perhaps, her unlikely journey shared with deceased former husband Sonny Bono. The wounded significance of her loss is palpable and almost impossible to bear, yet Cher is a sturdy old broad and can yield deep feeling just as easily as an attitude of durable cosmetic surgery or else a revolving platform of toy boys.

Her seemingly underdeveloped faculty for emotionally disadvantaged ballads that put the stabilizers on such breakdowns notwithstanding (there are so many), this new-found 'noughties' niche continued with her last public recording to date, Human, a blizzard of frailty if ever there was one. Pre-existing both, the after-hours torch song abandonment of When The Love Is Gone dates from 1982s criminally underrated I Paralyze, which I shall whisper is actually my favorite Cher album. Now at the end of her "someone's got to pay for the dancing fairies" frolicking, these ballads both show a welcome overturning.

You Take It All


When The Love Is Gone

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