Saturday, 12 September 2009

When Vocal Chords Are Gone, In Clive I Can Be Strong

Above: old queen Clive can barely contain his semi as Whitney Houston basks in the spotlight during a press call.

The new golden delicious Whitters video is her most poised and sophisticated clip ever - even Angella Basset would be proud. Lips tremble, arms flap and her zip-tight eyes, like glistening acid slitting through the skin, look simply gorgeous - whether staples are clenched behind her ears or not, it has done the trick. She simply stands, squats and points, but I can't take my eyes off her when she is lit so beautifully. Leaves fall as backing vocals rain down to give her assistance.

It is completely auto-tuned but it is still a towering vocal given how bad it must have got, and it feathers the air whilst being wisked by lush strings fanning her weave. I for one cannot wait until Monday for her Oprah interview to air - the same grilling she referred to when she blamed the talkshow host for singing like a battered cow going water skiing.

Below: even evergreen beauty Madonna gives it the thumbs up.

1 comment:

  1. I love the video and I love your Madonna quip even more!
