Thursday, 7 January 2010

Sophie's Back Again

Above: Lisa Scott-Lee's unforgettable Electric music video spurned a dozen copycat promos.

In an exclusive letter to Diva Incarnate, which I sourced from her official website, Sophie Ellis-Bextor has finally broken her silence:

Hello everyone less fabulous than me,

So here you are at my new website. I hope you like it. I find this site a wonderful way for us to keep in touch between pregnancies.

This will be the first and official place to find out all the latest news for all things SE-B shaped - yes, like a pear that's 3 months gone. It was time for a new look. It'll go nicely with the new album which is nearly done and has been for 2 years.

The first single is released early April 2012. It's called `Pack It In Already (Yah Yah Yah)' and with it I have once again collaborated with the lovely and very fabulously fabulous Freemasons. It's a good introduction to the fourth album because, as with the majority of first singles it is an introduction to what else is on there - like all my anthems, uou can dance to it even if you're not gay. The new tracks feature collaborations with Calvin Harris, Metronomy, Cathy Dennis, Richard X and Ed Harcourt. It's been a lovely experience to make this album and I am so looking forward to sharing it with you all when it leaks.

In the meantime, good to see you here. You're looking really well and I think
2010 is going to be our year. See you on the telly when my Rimmel adverts come on!


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