Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Ray Mang featuring Lady Kier - Bulletproof

Holding out for Lady Miss Kier news is a fustrating wait, and yet in recent years she has at least moved things along from a one-page website that once read 'release date: whenever'. And so in 2010 I finally get my grubby, sweaty hands on an MP3 of her track Bulletproof (a cover of a George Clinton track, which she sang way back at 2005's Wigstock).

Above: Madonna might have got their first for once (she famously ripped off the whole chorus of Deee-Lite's Power of Love for her own Rescue Me song), but Lady Miss Kier Kirby has the balls to actually do it, and those signs read 'wigs not war' FYI.

However, just to hear Kier growl and do the soul mama thing all these years later (and my has it gotten bigger) is just ecstasy. That girl can sing anyone's face off.

Above: Kier hates for her fans to go hungry.

Out now, it's a funky assault against war (go figure), with a gulping bassline just begging to be swallowed up. Miss Kier's scenrey chewing vocal is as hungry for it as ever. Just when the heck will she hurry up (to go easy) and release something as a solo artist?

Buy the damn thing here.


  1. Girlfriend needs to visit Heidi Montag's surgeon who clearly specialises in making women look like 35 year old soccer mums. This legendary diva needs a touch up!

  2. Okay, how do I answer this? She is 45 now and believe it or not that's her best pic in years. It's kind of unspoken between fans, but she is believed to have got pretty in *touch* with the drugs for years, and since coming off gotten a bit bigger ('so have my beats' she has said).

    Her best solo song to be performed had been Me & My Records, but the studio version of this cover ain't half bad at all even if her style has became messier.
