Thursday, 1 April 2010

Christina Aguilera's Not Myself Tonight - The Verdict

Like diarrhea on spewing tap, Christina's slithery new single Not Myself Tonight shoots itself out in all manner of directions with no thought for the mess, smell or embarassment it causes. It's exactly what I want from the lead single from this artist. Her amazing vocal vomit purging is on deliciously mindless form, it doesn't matter what she is singing or how (for it's a creamy roar that can only get so far anyway), but it does help that she's telling haters to fuck off if they don't like it. It makes me feel 18 again to look towards Aguilera with equal measures of awe and hilarity. She wants a reaction and even wants you to hate it - vexed concepts such as this (and even Dirrty back in the day) cut two ways. However, after Basics almost bored my balls into becoming a vagina, finally she swells once again with wanton enthusiasm, antagonistic pursuit and trashtrastic pride. It will embarass people who don't even like her - sometimes that's all you can ask for.

1 comment:

  1. diareah? lol. actually yes the song has no solid form. im not sure if u like this or hate it despite u saying u do like it.... hmmmm what an image ill have next time i hear it tho
