Friday, 5 March 2010

Solo Doll #2: Kimberly Wyatt - Not Just A Doll

Having confirmed her departure from the Pussycat Dolls, Kimberly Wyatt has delivered her first solo song Not Just A Doll via youtube. It is certainly in the right direction, but probably let down by cheap production. It's a long way off the dancefloor throb of Jessica Sutta's 2007 gem White Lies, but still miles better than Nicole's solo crappage. The 'other' girls all seem to enjoy what they do, it's more than understandable they have grown tired of their role within the troup, and the spontaneity and lack of expectation will either bode well for their chances (likeability, less criticisms when they chart comparitively low, etc) or just kill off their potential before they have begun. Kimberly has already branched out into TV (Sky1's Got To Dance has performed surprisingly well and should return for a second series). If she can maintain this sort of quality for 9 more tracks then she'll be laughing. I wonder if she originally co-wrote it for Doll Domination...

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