Thursday, 1 July 2010

Can Cher & Christina Both Be Comeback Queens?

Thanks to Mr Will-W's Pop Maven blog I was alerted to the best news in cinema since something completely not ironic, new promotional stills from Cher's comeback movie Burlesque have leaked exclusively to American newspaper US Today (I still remember reading that rag back in 1994 when I was in Florida and Ace of Base were on the cover).

Cher's strikingly confident cinematic pressence is assured, if the material is dire she can just look bored and still be Oscar-worthy. The picture marks the screen debut ofunder-duress singer Christina Aguilera, and being in the middle of Bionic's embarassing non-starting performance I feel genuinely bad for her (personally I really enjoy that album).

However, I see parallels in these two women - both have a charismatic taste for the ostentatious, Cher has endured many flop albums (her career-best Stars LP went nowhere in 1975) and Aguilera has the talent and image to last the distance if only she can soften her persona perhaps as Cher found a way to hide her shyness through unexpectedly delightful flair for deadpan.

If Christina gets to do enough numbers (that she nails) then her acting might not matter. I hope Cher gets more than just one song, or if she does that it is a big BIG one. I am also pleased to see that it looks as if the dark lady might have some sort of gaybestfriend or gayassistant to light up some uber snappy dialogue with.

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