Friday 15 April 2011

Oops ... I Can't Dance Again!

If her song Phonography was all about doing things 'hands free' (she eats from a dog bowl you know), then the dance version of her new single is all about dancing without the use of her legs - as if she wasn't showing off enough, here are some basic categories of interpretation of Britney's latest conquest against actual choreohraphy.

Check out her moves:
0:07 - corsetography
0:14 - Vogue-ography
0:22 - sidestepography
0:28 - assography
0:31 - hairography
0:32 - airbrushography
0:48 - fingerography
0:50 - jack-hammerography
1:25 - lineupofgaysography
1:50 - handcalpography
3: 49 - blotchyskinography

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